Entering Chile the 4th time
The ferry takes us over Lago Todos Santos...
...where Volcano Osorno shows up in its beauty and symmetry.
Great opportunities to camp in the woods...
... and finally warming up...
... and drying the equipment.
Who is stronger? :-) I did not let him pass.
The craziest mother ever
Puerto Montt ahead
Family presentation
It's time to present my companion:
Matt, everything ok?
A real cyclist has got only one piece of clothing; washed only once in a while.
Welcome to Carretera Austral, heading to Chilean Patagonia:
The first part comes after the sea.
It is the start to a ride out into pure nature.
The gulf of Puerto Montt: the largest area with salmon farms
Waiting on the ferry terminal
Crossing the first fjord
The mate culture caught us.
What an awesome evening light!
Mateo, que tal?
The colours are not faked. It was indeed like this.
The ambiance makes arise the first nostalgy...
... as I have been on the road since 20 months already.
Ever observed cow surfing? - Exclusive in Chile :-)
The many backpackers were not taken on the ferry...
...their protest was our blessing:
We got our own ride.
Matt, it was indeed a great time with you...
... I will always remember ;-)
We enjoyed the few hours of riding slowly through the fjords.
The area is conserved as a Natural Reserve paid by the owner of "North Face", a good investment.
A touching situation in Fjord Reñihue
Pushing the hills with Diego from Santiago
Open air sleeping beside Lago Blanco
You do not want to get in touch with one of these.
The road turns into an airstrip at once, Chaitén ahead.
Chaitén had a volcano eruption four years ago, the ash covered all of it.
Too short, maybe in a couple years ;-)
For once paved,...
... pushed by tail wind and riding along flowers, what more do you want?
Picknicking in front of the first glacier coulisse
A reminder of the initiator of the road: half of Chile still likes him: Dictator Augusto Pinochet
Nowadays the Southern provinces fight against hydroelectric power and dams.
On a nice day there is a scenery of glaciers,...
... lakes,...
... mountains,...
... and woods,...
... under a smooth sky.
Amidst of it you camp for free.
He called us "tio" (uncle)...
... and had to touch everything, of course, go ahead!
Cuesta Queulat...
... in late evening
National Park Queulat
Meeting Jason, riding since Alaska... and goodbye Matt, hitching to Buenos Aires
Entering the province of Aysén: Protests against the government keep the area anxious.
Fortunately I could sneak through the blockades easily by bike; pass Coyaique.
There are all kinds of things to observe.
Minerals: Pyrit, I was never bored.
A welcome stowaway
Lake General Carrera
Puerto Tranquilo
Best spot to camp
Junction of Rio Nef and Baker
View to Passo Roballo towards Argentina
I keep riding on Chilean side, junction Rio Baker and Chacabuco.
At the back of these mountains "Campo de Hielo Norte" (Northern Ice Fields) is hiding.
Often nature reminds me of the time back up in Alaska 21 months ago...
... the beard too :-).
Crossing Fiord Mitchel from Puerto Yungay to Rio Bravo
Pure Patagonia, I loved it. (50km ahead of Villa O'Higgins)
The glaciers almost close enough to touch them.
The picture stands upside down, did you get it?
Another great camp spot: Southern tip of lake Cisnes
Crossing glacier coloured Lake O'Higgins
Pushing back to Argentina!