Tomas, my Ecuadorian brother visited me again in Santiago
What a good time we had.
The Dutch, Michiel and Joost, and Christophe with his girlfriend Doris
The German visitors
The Dutch breaking up, allow me a comment, Where is the next hitch-hike waiting? ;-)
Pucon with Carlos
A British couple on tandem
The British accent must be learned.
Did you get it, Matt?
Thanks guys for your help to the best camp spot, pass Pucon.
The local fishermen, nice to meet you guys.
Luca, a real Mapuche
Astrid and Beat, Swiss too, ahead of Puerto Montt.
Another meeting with Swiss: Brigitte und Lukas: lukasbrigitte.ch
Thanks, Alejandro, to offer us your back yard to camp and even to wash our stinky clothes, Hornopiren.
The cyclists from Santiago, funny equipment ;-), never met cyclists with dish washer.
Diego, nice to meet you.
They were all fired up, it pushed me after 21 months on the road.
French couple cycling from Ecuador to Ushuaia.
Dan, half Swiss but from Smithers BC, Canada, good to meet you.
Simone and Samuel, Swiss cyclists heading North, very nice to meet you!
Again Swiss, ...
... they are all over :-)
Jason, USA, ...
... from Prudhoe Bay to Ushuaia too.
A joy to meet you, we never had heard about you before.
Filled and in good mood, Casa de Ciclista, Villa Mañihuales
Jeff, Jason's brother, from Prudhoe Bay to Ushuaia too.
Tom, a British companion of theirs.
Jorge, initiator of the Casa de Ciclista, very nice to meet you, thanks for everything!
There are so many cyclists all over Carretera Austral, US cyclist heading North.
Greg from New york, companion of Jeff, beside lake General Carrera
Hosts in Puerto Bertrand, a joy to meet you all.
Valentina and David, let's keep in touch!
Australian familiy, on tour around the world, safe riding!
Kelly, Paul and their companion, USA, from Punta Arenas to Quito
"Two Blind to Ride" - Tauru and Christina, twoblindtoride.org - a courageous adventure, heading to Alaska
Lago O'Higgins, in companionship with a bunch of other cyclists
Rachel, Mitchell, Maya and Teo
With Albert: albertsans.com