Entering Mexico

Arriving in Tijuana - Fortunately our host picked us up.

Tijuana - This is only the tip of the iceberg (latest newspaper)

Our first chapter of Mexico: The Baja California

Get ready to ride out into the desert!

An new experience on our tour,...

...sunny and hot but...

...awesome the beauty of the desert.

Groves of cactus

We loved the desert:

The colours...

...provide the contrast.

Volcanoes, one of "Las Tres Virgines"

The sunsets...

...and the sunrises

The oasis of Mulegé

Elegant butterflies

Humming birds as bees

One of many tiny restaurants along the main road

The Gulf of California: (Thanks Saul for the water ;-))

Worthwhile to hang out for a bit

Forerunner of the Caribean Sea.

The other side of Mexico:

We still don't unterstand this yet.

A lot of surprises along the road:

Carcass everywhere

Snakes, this was at least not poisonous.

Military checkpoints, an attempt to stop the drug transport

It fits perfect!

I thought the concrete bar was stable.

The only competition for Pemex we found.

Mexico, where even the ten year old guys drive trucks.

He drives:

This car - no problem

A bit more patriotism for your environment, please!

Anyway, we enjoyed our daily rides:

Recumbents, perfect for a powernap

Siesta in the hot desert

A black passenger (stick insect)

"Valle de los Cirios:" 30km steady downhill, tailwind, perfect to clip out and relax.

Coca Cola: Sugar and Caffeine, our best friends.

Meal out in the agaves

Tortilla with jelly or jelly with tortilla?

Selfmade Tacos - we love them.

Understanding the land through people

Restaurants, a welcome chance to hide from sun, heat and wind

In the evenings...

...our shadows are a spectacle.

The nights:

Camping on a farm

Stealth camping in a dry river...

...or under a bridge

If possible get a cheap hotel:

Unfortunately we landed once in a whore house :-) ...

... since we didn't get a key we blocked with a chair.

After 16 days of riding and two days of rest we arrived in La Paz:

Relaxing in "El Tecolote" - a beach only for us.

The deserved beer for some days of rest

Open-air sleeping at the beach

Reto prefered action.

Protection for turtle eggs in the sand

The unlucky guy got washed onto the shore.

Cute but prickly

The cam was sold as waterproof...

...when suddenly the colours changed...

...and art was the result.