Displaying results 106 to 110 out of 178

Matthew Gorzlancyk from the road

Tuesday, 26-10-10 12:03

Well... We have now reached Mexico guys!! The new chapter of our tours have begun. I am very glad to have your company along the way. This should be a very exciting ride from here on out. Glad I met you two. Bigotes Away!!!



Julius from Too many to name:)

Wednesday, 20-10-10 06:23

Reyto Christof, I've arrived back home in Spokane, WA, and I finally had a chance to look at the website. The pictures are incredible, and the memories even better! I had a wonderful time riding with you guys, and I'm looking forward to continue following your journey. As Bruno would say "This is Great"

Stay in touch fellas,



Kaspar Beni from Oberkulm

Monday, 18-10-10 12:38

Heiii reto=)
so jetzt hanis au no gschafft der no is gästebuech zschriibe;-)
hoffe er send no fit ond ziend die letschte paar kilometer no döre.. well es got jo nömme so lang ond denne besch weder onder eus=) vell spass no..
lg beni


Rainer Diriwaechter from CA

Monday, 18-10-10 01:50

Euer Besuch hat uns sehr gefreut.
Wir wuenschen Euch nun viele schoene Erlebnise auf der pioneer Reise durch Amerika!

Liebe Gruess,

Rainer, Cintia, & Isis


nomol ich ;-)

Monday, 11-10-10 11:04

öbrigens: göndr au dor guatemala? dette chani euch no mim reisefüehrer empfähle, macht d füehrige au gratis ond in schwiizerdüütsch... well es mi hermano! ;-))

wönsch euch vel kraft ond usduur! ond hüehnerhuut! chch ;-)